Saturday, 22 June 2024

Morbius (2022) - Well, it's definitely a superhero film

I'd heard a lot of bad things about 2022's 'Morbius' and seen more than a few memes online, saying what a terrible film it is.  It's a superhero film.  I know it's a superhero film because it plays out like someone has written down every core element of the genre and ticked them off one by one.  

Jared Leto plays the titular character who is stricken with a rare diseased, leaving him crippled.  So he dedicates his life to finding a cure - which he does, only using artificial blood, giving him vampire-like powers.  From there, every trope you're familiar with in modern superhero movies is played out.  Hero gets powers - check.  Bad guy gets almost identical powers - check.  Love interest kidnapped - check.  CGI fight where you can't really make out what's going on - check.  Sequel-bait that's supposed to hook you into a 'shared universe' which doesn't really go anywhere.  And so on.

So, it's pretty generic, but some of it's major let-downs are just how little you'll care for Jared Leto's protagonist, Morbius.  He's dull and not that interesting, which would be bad enough, if it wasn't for the fact that the villain - Matt 'Dr Who' Smith - is actually quite fun to watch and it's tempting to root for him.

If you like the idea of a vampire meets superhero film then 'Blade' did this three times over twenty years ago and each time was far superior to 'Morbius' (yes, even 'Blade: Trinity' was better!).  Plus the 'Blade' trilogy seemed to have better special effects, even two decades ago.  The CGI really is laughable in 'Morbius.'

If the whole superhero genre didn't exist until now and 'Morbius' came first, it may actually be considered a classic or a trend-settter.  However, with so many other superhero movies to choose from this one is just buried so far down under the weight of a hundred better entries, it's not worth bothering with, because you probably have better in your DVD collection or can find better on a streaming service.

5/10 You can watch this film while you're doing the ironing (you'll still get the general gist of it)

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