Tuesday, 4 June 2024

 Shredder (2001) - Generic, even by 2001's standards

With all the talk of 'A.I.' these days, I'm almost tempted to wonder whether 'Shredder' was actually written by some sort of cheap online algorithm.  Then I realise it was made back in 2001 and so I have to come to terms with that it's possibly one of the most generic slasher movies you're ever likely to see.

If you've seen even one slasher movie and therefore can name one cliche or trope then you'll find it repeated here - only more predictable.  It's about your typical group of good-looking teens/twenty-somethings taking a break to a remote ski resort in order to test their snowboarding prowess.  

And so you get the opening scene of the killer offing a random victim.  Then we're introduced to our 'heroes,' many of which are the most unlikable characters ever committed to screen, so you won't give a damn when they're dispatched one by one.  All the character cliches are there, including an incredibly annoying guy with a video camera whose primary focus is to spout exposition and fill in the audience on things they may not understand (even though someone with an IQ of under five wouldn't get lost in this film.

You'll probably guess who'll survive based on how nice they are and the 'reveal' of the killer is also predictable due to who's not on screen at the time of each kill.  There's not enough inventive gore to keep anyone who's looking for that sort of thing happy.  The killer has no real stand-out look about him and he tends to get rid of the cast by whatever means he happens to have at the time, rather than anything that would be specific to him and would stick in the audience's head.

Overall, there's nothing particularly wrong with 'Shredder' (apart from misleading you into thinking it's some sort of 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' spin-off about their primary antagonist - which would probably be better than what is actually here!) - it's main problem is its so generic that you'll forget it probably before it's even finished.  If you like slasher films then find one you already know you like and put that on rather than take a chance with this.

5/10 You can watch this film while you're doing the ironing (you'll still get the general gist of it)

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