Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Jungle Cruise (2021) - Saved by the cast (just)

There's a lot NOT to like about 2021's 'Jungle Cruise.' It would be easy to point out how it's a kind of 'cut and paste' rip-off of another of Disney's theme park rides, 'Pirates of the Caribbean,' and then blended with 1999's 'The Mummy.' It would be equally easy to write off the characters like Emily Blunt being little more than a stereotypical 'strong woman' while Jack Whitehall plays her inept younger brother.  However, for all the film's faults, the two aforementioned actors, combined with the lead - Dwayne Johnson - they actually make it watchable.

Like 'The Mummy' it's about a female scientist (and her coward of a brother) acquiring the services of a local man in a dangerous location (now the Amazon) during World War 1 and getting him to escort them to track down a magical item.  Meanwhile, various villains are on their tail - who are generally just 'evil dudes' so don't expect too much nuance from them (even the excellent Jesse Plemons) and Paul Giamatti's contribution is little more than an extended cameo, so don't expect too much from him.

Although it's based on a theme park ride, I found the similarities with 'The Mummy' more apparent, but that's just personal taste.  The characters could come off as annoying (and very nearly do so!), but are saved by the actors reeling in their own performances just in the nick of time.

Perhaps the main 'problem' I had with 'Jungle Cruise' is one that many a modern movie suffers from (in my opinion!) and that's its runtime.  It just goes on too long.  I could forgive the blatant green-screen filming and cheap-looking computer generated effects if they shaved about twenty minutes from the overall length.  It kind of dipped in the middle and the 'effects heavy' action scenes also went on too long.

It won't become a franchise like either the 'Pirates' or the 'Mummy' films, because - sadly - it's just too generic to really attain the same status as either of those.  It's not a terrible movie and, as I say, that's down to the cast.  I'm sure it will keep their die-hard fans entertained and possibly and children who are actually okay with sitting still for longer periods of time.

6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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