Saturday, 21 October 2023

The Beaster Bunny (2014) - Not worth your time

You may like B-movies.  You may like cheesy 'so-bad-they're-good' movies and you may like horror movies.  It doesn't matter.  It won't give you back the time you've wasted watching this.  I know it doesn't take itself seriously and so maybe I'm being too harsh, but this film is just poor.

I guess I have to start with the (least) 'special' effects I've ever seen - and I've seen some pretty bad ones.  The monster-rabbit is so badly animated it can't actually run (oh, and to me it looked more like a rat than a rabbit - seriously - it's ears are too small!).  Instead, characters run away from it and they we cut to scenes of them dead because the CGI creature can't afford to actually be seen killing them.

The acting is just awful.  And there's deliberate nudity.  I only really mention the two together because I'm guessing the film-makers hired actresses better known for their 'adult' roles in which to wave their hands in the air while topless before we see their severed remains.

Any characters that aren't automatically killed are totally unlikable and special mention to the mayor of the town who is the most annoying character I've seen in a while.  I practically only stuck with the film because I wanted to see him killed.

You shouldn't watch this.  There's so much better out there in the cheesy, laughable horror genre.  It's like it's been written by two sets of writers as there is the odd scene that's actually quite well written (like the one in a cafe between a father and daughter).

And what's with the random 'Aliens' line thrown in there?

2/10 Scuzzier than the leftover goo from a Queen alien's egg sack

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