Arctic Void aka 'Civil Twilight' (2022) - Beautiful, well-scripted and haunting
This one was a real surprise as I had no idea what I was in for when I found this on a streaming service. It's about an American film crew who are making a documentary aboard a tourist ship while it travels around the coasts of Norway when something majorly spooky occurs.
I kind of want to leave the plot vague as when I watched it I was really interested to see what had happened and how much of a pay-off I'd get from my investment. I was pleased to say that by the time the credits rolled, most - pertinent - questions were answered and I felt satisfied that I hadn't wasted an hour and a half of my life.
From the beginning I was struck with just how amazing the scenery was. Kudos to the director who uses the landscape to its fullest in a way that Peter Jackson did with the New Zealand landscape for the 'Lord of the Rings' films. The vast empty landscapes and deserted towns really add to the overall creepy and hopeless vibe.
And there's the script. There's only really three main characters and they're all well-written and don't make those typically stupid decisions that people in horror films normally make. Hopefully, you'll actually care for them and their plight.
I was surprised that the film's ratings were generally pretty low. I'm guessing that if people didn't like this film it may be because it is quite a slow burner and it's all about building tension rather than with monsters and jump scares. I guess there are still some questions which remain unanswered and that may annoy some people, but if you're in the mood for a horror/sci-fi movie which relies on mood and atmosphere over blood and guts then you might like this one. I certainly did.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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