I should point out that I was about fourteen years old when Mrs Thatcher was forced out of office. Therefore, I spent my childhood with her as the Prime Minister. Now, several years later, I find myself watching the film `The Iron Lady' - the first major filmic portrayal of her life.
Was it any good? Well... sort of.

If I could rate this film on Meryl Streep's performance alone, then it would get 5/5. She captures Margaret Thatcher to a tee. However, that's all this film is. It's a showcase for Meryl Streep's excellent acting talent, but leaving out most of the important points of the woman she's supposed to be portraying.
If you don't know much about the life of Mrs Thatcher then this won't tell you much more than you probably already know. As an informative piece, it offers very little. As a story, it's a bit corny with the `dead husband' bit constantly driving the story forward. As a career highlight on Steep's already formidable CV, it can't be beat.
6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Kruger was haunting your nights
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