I know it's a cliche to say 'They don't make 'em like they used to,' but, in the case of 'Adventures in Babysitting,' I think it's pretty true. It's one of those eighties film that seemed to get everything so right that the story didn't need to spend half of the film on 'back story' or giving the characters loads of screentime in order for us to get to know them. Instead, it kicks off within the first ten minutes.

Within the opening fifteen minutes all the major characters have been introduced. We - the audience - will have sympathy for Chris and (hopefully!) won't find the kids annoying in any way, as they're all presented very well. Naturally, Chris' 'rescue of Brenda doesn't go according to plan and they all get stranded on the freeway. Between there and the end of the film they get into gang fights, car crime, hook-handed mechanics and hanging off skyscrapers.
There may be nothing too new about the story, but it's simply so much fun I think most people should be able to overlook any minor cliche and suspend their disbelief simply to get a decent amount of entertainment out of it. All the performances are great and the main four characters play off each other so well that you can't help but remember them.
It's hard to put 'Adventures in Babysitting' into a genre. It has elements of thriller, comedy, crime, romance, but is generally one of those eighties films which is so timeless that it can probably appeal to all the family. Yes, there are a couple of 'f-bombs' thrown in there during one segment, but, apart from that, I reckon most people should be able to sit down and enjoy everything this has to offer. It's not an overly-long film and no part feels drawn out or a waste of time. I hope this film never gets a remake, but if it does - it has to at least have a cameo from Chris Hemsworth - if you've watched the film you'll know what I mean!
9/10 almost as perfect as The Godfather
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