How has this movie never been made before? With all the awful employers in the world and their combined workforce all wanting to dismember them, surely someone should have committed it to film by now!

Now, as much as I enjoy the three main starts' performance due to the banter/interaction between Jason Bateman, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis, it's the three 'bosses' who manage to steal every scene they're in (even if Spacey is basically just playing a re-hashed version of the evil boss he played in 'Swimming With Sharks!'). You also have a pretty good (extended cameo) from Jamie Foxx, too - who proves he's more than capable of doing comedy as well as tough-as-nails action and drama.
This is a great film to unwind to. Sure, you can probably pick out a few plot holes here and there. I'm sure if this sort of thing happened in real life there would be severe consequences that are - naturally - never explored in a light-hearted comedy. Plus the humour is dependent on how bigger pinch of salt you take with this whole movie, but I loved it anyway (and especially Ms Aniston!) and has given me plenty of food for thought with regards to how I can work my way up the career ladder.
Short and sweet - simply great fun.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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