You may find many reviews for Beautiful Creatures which compare it to Twilight. How cynical that is. Twilight is about a teenage girl who falls in love with an immortal vampire and has to learn to live with the supernatural goings on in his life and family. HOWEVER... Beautiful Creatures is about a BOY who falls in love with an immortal which and has to learn to live with the supernatural goings on in HER life and family.
How people can see a similarity is beyond me.

If you liked Twilight, or simply haven't seen it and are intrigued with the prospect of a teenage supernatural romance/drama then give it a try. It is slightly longer than the average movie and you can see that it's designed to be part of a greater filmic body of work. Seeing as it didn't set the box office on fire as the film-makers probably hoped it might, it may end up as a stand alone. Either way, it's not bad. Teenagers will probably love it - much more than a cynical thirty-something male such as myself.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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