Planet Terror - A girl with a gun for a leg. Nuff said
All you need to know about ‘Planet Terror’ is that, due to events I won’t go into in great detail, a former stripper gets her leg replaced by a machine gun. Once ‘attached’ she can then fire it with pinpoint accuracy (let’s not go into exactly HOW she can fire a gun with a trigger at ‘knee height’ as a few nit-picking reviewers did at the time of its initial release) and even shoot missiles into the floor which propel her through the air, allowing her to leap over walls.

If you sit through it you’ll find a zombie film that’s actually got quite a big budget, only it’s concealed within a movie that prides itself on looking cheap and B-movie-like. Expect a real 'grainy' look and feel to the film-stock used and you'll even be treated to a 'missing roll' somewhere in the movie (sorry if that's a 'spoiler!'). There’s a whole host of famous actors in it (many famous for their B-movie roles) which turns it into quite an 'ensemble cast' (special mention to Michael (Hicks/Reece) Biehn who isn't known for his comic roles and yet gets quite a few good one-liners in there), plus you have more gore than you could ever wish for and did I mention there’s a stripper with a machine gun for a leg?
However, if you saw Hollywood A-lister Bruce Willis in the film's marketing then don't go expecting him to make much of an appearance here. This is a homage to the 'grindhouse' genre and (I'm reliably informed) that those types of films were famous for employing a single well-known actor for only a few scenes and then plaster his face all over all promotional material.
You’ll either love it or hate it. Judging from what other reviews are saying, it’s more of a ‘guy’s film’ but, if you’re generally a fan of cheesy action, explosions and crazy goings on, then you’ll find it all here (and more - including a whole jar filled with things that I really don't want to think about!).
9/10 almost as perfect as The Godfather
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