Pet Sematery – A very enjoyable mess
The irony was, when I first watched ‘Pet Sematery’ I actually couldn’t spell ‘cemetery’ therefore I didn’t pick up the deliberate typo in the title! Anyway, it’s another eighties Stephen King book-to-film adaptation and, as any horror fan knows, these can be hit and miss. Mainly miss. However, what we have here is a creepy little film which actually stands the test of time.

Now, ‘Pet Sematery’ is a great film. There’s lots to enjoy here – it’s creepy, well-acted and has plenty of memorable scenes – it’s definitely worth a watch. However, it’s also not without faults. I haven’t read the book, so I can only assume it goes into far greater details as to all the characters’ backstories. Here, everyone seems to have a deep backstory which could probably have its own film made about it. Yet all of these tales are only partially touched upon and it’s like this story should have been almost a mini-series to really do them all justice.
I say the film is ‘well-acted,’ but whether you consider Fred Gwynne’s portrayal of neighbour, ‘Judd,’ to be good, or just weird is entirely up to you. Personally, I love his performance and the way he seems to speak will certainly stay with you long after the credits have rolled. In fact, if you’re a fan of ‘South Park’ then you’ll start to get a lot of references in the cartoon as his character does tend to pop up here and there to explain various supernatural happenings.
So, if you can ignore the slightly ‘unused’ elements of the story which don’t really go anywhere, you’ll actually get quite a fun and novel (at the time – I still haven’t bothered with the remake) horror film. There’s quite a lot in it that actually borders on ‘disturbing imagery’ rather than horror, but when practical effects/make-up are used, they’re nicely nasty – if you know what I mean.
If you can really watch this film and not enjoy Fred Gwynne’s performance then I’ll be surprised (and also try not to laugh at a – slightly out-of-place – ‘pratfall’ that comes about three quarters of the way through the film when someone seems to bang his head on some furniture out of nowhere – Frank Drebin would be proud of that one!
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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