Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Let's Be Cops - Definitely not high-brow, but not bad either

‘Let’s Be Cops’ seems to have certainly got mixed reviews.  There are those who are absolutely slating this film online and I have to say that, judging by the general promotional material surrounding it (and general look and feel), I did expect something pretty awful.  Maybe that’s the key to enjoying the film –don’t expect too much.  I actually quite enjoyed it.

It’s about a pair of mates who accidentally attend a (non costume) party dressed as L.A. cops.  They stay in uniform for their ride home and quickly realise the effect their costumes have on the general public.  So, guess what... they decide to play on it and the film gets going...

The first act of the film then plays out as a kind of ‘sketch show.’ Each scene is effectively a different event that our two ‘cops’ encounter that generally comes across like a montage.  Okay, so there’s no real ‘story’ here, but it’s actually quite funny.

And the two leads are good.  I didn’t really know too much about the actors, but I read that they’re comedians and it does seem to come across.  They certainly have chemistry together and it’s the chemistry which generally holds the film together.

Naturally, there has to be some story in there somewhere.  We see that impersonating the law can lead to bad things.  And bad things start to happen.  Therefore, it’s quite hard to make ‘bad things’ funny.  And the jokes aren’t as relentless as the film keeps going.

What you have is basically quite a funny comedy which then borrows from action/generic cop films as a vehicle to wrap the jokes in.  If you want to enjoy this, don’t expect too much.  It isn’t perfect, but it’s not that bad either.  It is possibly about ten minutes too long, so perhaps it could have been a little tighter.  And there is this female character who annoyed me with her ‘unrealistic’ behaviour, but, thankfully, she wasn’t in it that much – minor niggle.  I probably wouldn't buy this film on DVD, but I'm happy enough that I watched it.  If I catch it on TV in ten years time, I'll happily sit through it again.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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