Leprechaun - Hardly horror, but watchable nonetheless
If you ever wondered what Jennifer Aniston did before she hit the big time in `Friends' then you should watch this. Apparently, she got chased around by nasty little Leprechauns.

That's all this film is - a chase. The Leprechaun is unstoppable (at least via conventional means - the kids will have to learn exactly what magic way you can despatch a Leprechaun), so the monstrous little fella is happy to just keep messing with their young heads as he terrorises them. This is perhaps the film's only real drawback. Although it's not overly long (ninety minutes), the middle part seemed a little too drawn out. Yes, we get that the Leprechaun can't be killed, so they really need to move it along a bit.
However, that's a minor gripe. Yes, this film is a typical low budget B-movie, so don't expect much in the way of acting (although Jennifer Aniston shows she has what it takes to do more than just scream in hotpants). If you want a silly, cheesy B-movie to laugh at then you'll find one right here.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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