Thursday, 17 October 2019

Tyrannosaur - Great film... if you're in the mood for it 

Some films thrill you, some will scare you and some will make you laugh. You choose which one depending on how you want to feel. 'Tyrannosaur' is a fantastic movie, but you have to be in the mood for it. It's not a 'feel-good' type of film. It's gritty, nasty, dark, but ultimately uplifting (in a sad sort of way).

The main character, Joseph, is introduced to us as he kicks his beloved pet dog to death, smashes a Post Office window and gets into a fight with some youths in a pub. And he's our `hero' - he's the guy we're expected to root for. If you don't like the sound of him already, you're probably not going to enjoy his tale. He's not the most sympathetic of characters. However, there is some redemption in his future when he's chased into a Charity Shop run by Olivia Coleman.  Granted, she's best known for her comedic roles, such as `Sophie' in 'Peep Show,' but this kind of heavy drama and extreme black comedy proves that she is quite versatile as she gives a truly outstanding performance and is a real heart of the film.

Some people have criticised it as `yet more British miserablism.' That's a fair comment. It is pretty miserable. That's why if you're looking for something cheery, it's not for you. However, if you're willing to see just how depressing some people's lives are, you'll be glad you did - I'm guessing not many people are as trapped in such a downward, self-destructive spiral as the two central characters. If nothing else, you'll be glad you're not them.  However, because their lives are so terrible, you will want to root for them and hope that they can sort themselves out and become better people.

Oh, and don't get your hopes up about seeing giant dinosaurs - it's a metaphor - 'Jurassic Park,' although one of its most famous scenes is mentioned, it really isn't.

9/10 almost as perfect as The Godfather

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