Basket Case - A `so bad it's good' film
Basket Case is awful. Fact. However, it's also brilliantly awful! Yes, the acting is pretty bad, the special effects really aren't that special and there are so many times where you have to suspend your disbelief, you'll basically be sitting there for ninety minutes with your jaw on the floor. But, it's sooooo much fun (if you like this kind of thing).

To properly enjoy Basket Case you need to be a fan of bad movies. If you know what I'm on about, give Basket Case a try. If you don't, you'll probably hate it. These sorts of `so bad they're good' films are normally made in the seventies or eighties and normally horror. They normally have stupid characters and over-the-top gore. Basket Case ticks all these boxes.
To enjoy Basket Case, remove your brain (and place it somewhere safe - you don't want a stupid film like this permanently lowering your I.Q.), slouch on a sofa, put a kind of `glazed' expression on your face, sit back and revel in the beautiful daftness of it all (and if you really like it, then watch Basket Case 2 and 3).
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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