Fast Girls - One for the teens
First of all let me say that this review probably won't portray this film particularly fairly. I should never have watched it to begin with. Fast Girls is clearly aimed at the younger generations - probably from age 10-17. For they will never have seen much like it before and enjoy the characters and soundtrack (mainly hip hop - I believe, but then again, I probably couldn't recognise hip hop if it hopped up and down on my head).

So, our poor, fast heroine from a run-down part of London must prove herself both socially and on the track. Not to mention become friends with the bitchy rich blonde girl. Do you think they manage to live happily ever after? Well, that depends on whether you've ever watched a film before. Only children may wonder whether it's all going to end smelling of roses.
Fast Girls is marketed as a `feel good' film. I suppose it is. It (coincidentally!) came out around the same time as the London 2012 Olympics and does its best to cash-in on the general sporty mood of the nation.
In short. I hated this film. It's packed full of clichés and it's not even funny. But then I seriously doubt that I was ever the intended audience. I should probably chalk it up to a lesson on checking out a film before I watch it to make sure that it's more something I'd enjoy.
However, like I say, for the younger (less cynical) generations, it's probably got everything they could ever want - strong female role models, a love story and great (if you like that sort of thing) music to accompany it.
3/10 from me.
8/10 for anyone under 17 (I am now officially speaking on behalf of the youth of today!)
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