Baseketball - Live action ‘South Park ’
Okay, so ‘Baseketball’ hasn’t really got anything to do with the adult cult animated TV show, but it stars both its writers/creators and is basically the same sense of humour, i.e. adult. In short… if you like South Park , you should like ‘Baseketball.’

The jokes come thick and fast and, if you’ve seen Trey and Matt in action, you’ll realise that they’re basically playing themselves. Yes, there is some character development (believe it or not!), but the film is geared towards laughs over story and plot. And, because of this, it totally succeeds. As soon as you sit down to watch it, you’ll be able to predict where exactly it’s going, but don’t let that put you off. So I’ll end where I basically began by saying that if you like South Park (and I do!), you’ll enjoy this.
9/10 almost as perfect as The Godfather
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