Slugs! You've seen them in the garden eating your lettuces. Now they're going to eat YOU! And, yes, slugs are about as threatening as you might imagine. But… wait… these aren't just your ordinary garden slugs - these are 'super slugs!' And, yes, even 'super slugs' that can take a bite out of you are about as threatening as you might imagine.

Slugs' is typical of those eighties B-movies that tried to make every different type of animal scary, providing there were enough of them and the humans were stupid enough to fall victim to them. It's definitely a B-movie and it shows when it comes to acting. You won't find a recognisable name among the cast here, but at least what little budget the film-makers must have had went some way to providing a few nice touches of practical gore. The actors do their best with a lame script to try and act scared when they see slugs dripping out of their tap and few actually think of just swatting them with a rolled up copy of a handy magazine. In fact, despite the obvious B-movie qualities, I did wonder whether the producers really had hopes that this would be genuinely scary, as it never seems to feel like it's 'self-knowing' and that it's accepted the fact that it's an out and out 'cheese fest' and just going with what it is.
However, for all its corniness, I stuck with it until the end. It's truly a masterpiece of bad cinema. If you love bad movies and have a soft spot for cheesy horror films from the eighties then you at least have to watch this one once, just to laugh (I assure you... none of the characters laugh on screen - they're too busy running, screaming from a 'monster' that can't walk, run, fly, or actually move faster than, er, a slug!
Oh, and is it just me, or did they try to re-enact a bit of 'Jaws' in there when the protagonist tries to get the Mayor of the town to try and shut down the water supply to stem the flow of slugs, only to be reminded about the financial implications of doing so?
Pure 'car crash' film-making' and definitely so awful it's great! I will never forget the close-up shot of a slug trying to take a bite out of someone's thumb!
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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