Friday, 19 October 2018

Deadpool 2 - So much fun :)

I think most people who decide to watch 'Deadpool 2' have probably seen (and enjoyed!) the first outing (and, no, that statement doesn't included Deadpool's cameo in 'Wolverine: Origins!'), but, on the off-chance you haven't, Deadpool is a superhero who probably wouldn't easily fit in with the current direction Disney's Marvel Shared Universe is heading.  yes, he may share many of the usual superhero tropes, i.e. develops superpowers and fights crime etc, but, if you're used to the 'family friendly' atmosphere of Iron Man and Captain America, then you're going to be in for a shock as Deadpool delights in dropping the 'f-bomb' (for starters!) and indulging in severe graphic violence and bloodshed.

The first film had a much lower budget.  Basically, the studio wasn't sure that an 'R-rated' superhero movie would make any money with audiences used to Disney's 'family-friendly' outings.  However, it totally took the Box Office (and popular culture) by storm and became an overnight success, greenlighting a sequel almost immediately.  Now, not many sequels live up to the original, but most of the best sequels that even come close follow the simple rule of giving 'the same, yet more.' And, I'm pleased to say that 'Deadpool 2' does that just perfectly.

Ryan Reynolds is clearly loving his stint in red rubber and is back on form as the trash-talking anti-hero and this time he's got help.  Whereas before he was saving the day pretty much on his own, this time round he's joined by a whole gaggle of goofy 'heroes' who, although don't obviously get as much screen time as him, all play their part in at least the jokes, if not the storyline.  However, any die-hard Deadpool comic-lover will be delighted to see the inclusion of 'Cable.' Who's Cable you ask?  Well, I didn't know as I've never read any of the source material, but since the internet seemed to go crazy once Josh Brolin was confirmed as the time travelling (non Terminator) cyborg I checked him out and found that he was basically another anti-hero who works with our DP on occasion.  And, as many reviews have confirmed, 2018 really is Josh Brolin's summer, not only playing the awesome 'Thanos' is 'Avengers: Infinity War', but also adding his presence to the Deadpool franchise.

So, if you like adult comic book movies which take numerous swipes at the genre itself and pop culture in general (in fact, you'll probably need to be well up on your pop culture references to get every single joke contained here) then you should enjoy this sequel as much as the first. 

Personally, I actually liked it more, but - apparently - I'm the minority.  The original was tighter and, dare I say it more 'focused,' but this one really does expand on the world and take it more into 'blockbuster' territory.  I was quite surprised at the critics' general reaction when I heard that most people didn't rate it even nearly as highly as the first, but, since its DVD release it seems that the fans are ranking it as high as I found it.  Definitely fun and a great second part to the franchise.

9/10 almost as perfect as The Godfather

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