Will Smith made 'Hancock' in 2008, roughly at the same time when Disney's 'Marvel Shared Universe' began its unprecedented rise to global domination. Superhero movies were still a bit hit and miss, especially ones aimed at adults. Here, everyone's most charming actor plays - effectively - Superman (or at least a superhero of very similar powers), only darker (and drunk!). Apparently, the script went through numerous re-writes to actually get it down to the PG13 rating as it was meant to be R rated. And it shows.

Jason Bateman and Charlize Theron are the main two other stars attached the project and I'm pleased to say that they're not just there to lend their names, but their characters do have significant parts to play in the overall story and make a distraction from this being a Will Smith stand-alone film only.
I guess one thing that hasn't held up so well over the years is the CGI used to show Hancock flying around the city (and trashing it!). It all looks very much like it was rendered for a home console and then Will Smith superimposed over the top of it. 'The Avengers' and pretty much any other film that has used mass destruction of a city since 2008 has done these kind of effects better.
The other major problem with the film is that it doesn't really have an antagonist. I guess Hancock wrestling the demons of being cursed with these sorts of powers seemed to be enough for the film-makers. It's not a long film (a modest hour and a half) and it felt like the writers suddenly thought that these plot themes might actually not be enough and attempted to throw in a villain at about the hour mark. This doesn't really add that much and probably could have been taken out all together if they didn't feel confident enough to expand this aspect to be an ongoing part of the story.
However, those are a couple of minor gripes. Will Smith is as awesome as ever (as are Bateman and Theron - seems unfair to leave them out!) and if you like superhero movies then you should definitely watch this one. It's not as dark and adult as 'Logan' or 'Deadpool,' yet it's certainly not as 'family friendly' as Disney's MCU, but it's still fun. Enjoy.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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