Wednesday, 19 February 2025

The Russian Bride (2018) - Difficult to pigeonhole

I found 'The Russian Bride' on a streaming service among the 'horror' category and, seeing as I'm a fan of the genre, I eventually got round to watching it.  I guess the hardest part of reviewing it is trying to describe whether it is a 'true' horror or not.

A reclusive billionaire imports a Russian woman (and her daughter) to marry and then live with him in his mansion in America.  The setting definitely works with the 'horror genre' as it's a creepy mansion in the middle of nowhere, pretty much cut off from the rest of the world - and it's filled with weird and unsettling trinkets and members of staff.  So you know something bad is going to happen - and it does.

However, to go too deeply into the 'horror' element will be giving away spoilers and, although this film is hardly a classic, there was enough here to keep me interested in finding out where it was going.

It's a slow burn, but I found it worth the wait for the more 'explosive' final act and definitely thought it's better than a lot of films I've found on streaming services.  It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I'd actually probably have enjoyed it less if I knew where it was going and the fact that I didn't know what the film's 'gimmick' was that kept me invested.


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