I know 'slasher' films were - relatively - new back in 1980 and yet 'Terror Train' seems so outdated, it's like it's copied every cliche from the genre it possibly could.
It's one of those 'who's the killer' type movies where the murderer is masked at all times to keep both the characters and audience guessing. This time the killing spree is taking place on - you guessed it - a train with a load of drunken partying teens.
Perhaps the worst - or most annoying - thing the story does is have the killer just walk up to the soon-to-be victim and say nothing, therefore the victim just assumes the killer is just a friend in a mask and talks to them for longer than any normal person would before ultimately meeting their doom. It's a frustrating watch. I know we all yell at the screen from time to time in order to shout instructions to the idiots in the movie, but here everyone is just so dumb it's actually hard to watch.
There's no real gore here and you won't care about any of the characters (the lead girl annoyed me from her constant screaming!) and by the time the killer is revealed, you've probably already checked out.
If you like early eighties slasher films, the worst 'Friday 13th' entry is better than this. Otherwise any of the 'Scream' franchise is head and shoulders over this train wreck.
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