Tuesday, 11 February 2025

City of the Living Dead (1980) - Don't be fooled

As a die-hard zombie fan I'm well aware of how the '...of the living dead' part of the original film's title was no longer allowed to be used, hence the franchise kind of branched off in two different directions.  Either way, I also knew 'City of the Living Dead' was not cannon in whichever series of undead ghouls.

However, I figured that at least it would have some sort of redeeming story which - loosely - acted like it was - maybe - in the same universe as one of the other films.  Heck, I'd settle for a coherent story!

I've checked other reviews and it appears that it really is a cult classic and has many fans who love it.  I guess I just didn't 'get' it.  I found it boring and a right mess with no real story to speak of.  I gathered it was something to do with stopping the dead from rising on Halloween, or something.

If you're expecting hordes of zombies terrorising humans, you'll be disappointed.  The walkers do show up from time to time, but it's in ones and twos - no crowds.  If it had one good point it was the gore.  There are some pretty gruesome practical effects which deserve praise for their horrific realism.

But that wasn't enough for me.  I just found it boring.  Personally, I'll stick to Romero's movies (and the 'spin off' living dead series.  Oh, and was it just me or does 'City of the Living Dead' borrow some of the music from George A Romero's films?


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