Monday, 13 November 2023

From a Whisper to a Scream (1987) - Better than I expected

I'd recently watched 'The Monster Club' - an early eighties horror anthology which was pretty tongue-in-cheek and held together by segments starring genre legend, Vincent Price. 'From a Whisper to a Scream' (or 'The Offspring' if you're in the USA) is also a horror anthology, held together by Price, only it's much better.

It wasn't that I objected to anything in 'The Monster Club,' it was just that it wasn't scary.  At least the four stories here are all quite disturbing (and fourth one even having a scene which was a little hard to watch).  Then, stories one through three all seem to end with some deliberately ironic twist which does bring a wry smile to the audience.  The Fourth film was definitely the weakest of the four - it could probably have been cut all together, but at least there was a fair bit of gore in it I guess.

The good thing about having four stories is that if you don't like the one you're watching then, if you're a general fan of horror flicks, then you'll probably enjoy one of the other ones (my favourite was the first one and I barely recognised Clu Gallagher in the lead role).  Pity Vincent Price was so underused here.  He wasn't in 'The Monster Club' much either, but at least his scenes were the best bits.  Still will give you a few chills here and there with the general quirkiness and originality of the situations our four unfortunately protagonists find themselves in.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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