Sunday, 12 November 2023

Death Race 2000 (1975) - Absolutely mental (and I love it)

I haven't seen 'Death Race 2000' since I was little (in the early 80s) - yes, my parents were quite liberal in what they let me watch!  All I remember was enjoyable gore and that 'Rocky' was in it.  However, now I've seen it again as an adult, I can appreciate it as so much more.

I do like a nice 'so bad it's good' type film and I'm halfway inclined to describe it as such.  But the fact that the world was so damn well fleshed-out in terms of 'world building' that it's actually a damn fine film in its own right.

So, as you sit down to watch it, suspend your disbelief and prepare to be taken into a world where a lethal road race is held from one side of America to the other, where the five drivers get 'points' for killing innocent bystanders (and/or anyone else they decide to murder along the way).

Take the best 'Fast and the Furious' film, make it with practical, grounded effects, set it in the world of 'The Running Man' and add the social commentary of 'Robocop' and you end up with 'Death Race 2000.'

David Carradine is the lead driver and he's up against a young Sylvester Stallone.  Carradine may have a lot of titles under his belt, so his performance is pitch perfect as the anti-hero.  Stallone was a little more inexperienced back in these days, but he's gloriously over-the-top as the main rival.

It's one of those films that has to be seen to be believed.  It's a nice tight eighty minutes in run-time and it's totally crazy from beginning to the end - and very simple in its enjoyment all the way.  Oh, and the Jason Statham remake isn't bad either (but totally different in many ways).

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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