Tooth And Nail - Drive a Hybrid - save the world (well, maybe)
Tooth and Nail is one of those ever-growing number of `apocalypse' films, depicting a bleak futuristic world filled with... well, nothing much really - broken down buildings and empty roads.In this case, as the narrator explains to us in the opening monologue, it wasn't a comet or nuclear war that wiped out humanity, it was a lack of petrol (or `gas' as it's set in America). Um, okay, it's best to just take that at face value for the purposes of watching the film. In fact, it's probably best to get your mind in the frame of watching most of it in that way (if you want to have any hope of enjoying it).

Now, I normally hate movies (typically horror movies) where the heroes due stupid things, like run back into the haunted house instead of calling the police. I should warn you that there are plenty of these moments in Tooth and Nail. Yet, for some reason, I couldn't find it in me to hate this film. I've turned off many a movie for stupid characters, but I sat through this in its entirety.
Granted it's no classic. If you check out the other reviews you'll find more than your fair share of hate directed towards it. However, if you lower your expectations significantly (hey, it has Vinnie Jones in, so what are you expecting - Shakespeare?!) you might find it entertaining for an hour and a half of bloodthirsty horror where vicious cannibals prey on some of the stupidest human survivors ever to be left alive.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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