Breakout - One coincidence after the next
Oh dear, where to begin. Sadly, Brendan Fraser might be many things, but a `Bruce Willis' he will never be. What we have here - loosely - is `Die Hard in the woods.' The former `George of the Jungle' (aka Mr Fraser) has only gone and got himself locked up for protecting trees (perhaps he should have lived on Pandora?) and thus has found himself separated from his (not so loving) family. Then, if that wasn't bad enough, they only go on a camping trip and witness a murder!Cue Brendan Fraser deciding that that was the time he better break out of prison and save them. Because - and let's face it - no one knows those woods better than an eco-activist who's dedicated his life to protecting them.

If you like the idea of `Die Hard in the woods' try a little-known film called `Predator.' It was kind of cool. This, however, is not. End of. Sorry Brendan... but you're better off sticking to watching out for trees rather than protecting them!
3/10 Jabba the Hutt wipes himself down with this film
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