Skyfall - It's won me over
I'm one of those people who despises Daniel Craig's `Bond era.' Not because I don't like him as an actor, or that I think he isn't the right man to play Bond. It's because I pine for the old days of loads of over-the-top gadgets, silly stunts and cheeky witticisms, delivered with a wry smile (or a raised eyebrow). In short, I liked pre-Craig Bonds.I watched both Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace and barely considered them entries in the Bond franchise, yet I still came back for more and watched Skyfall.

Basically, I won't go into details about the plot too much. If you don't know already, it's not about someone in a volcano lair, trying to take over the world. If anything, it's much smaller, but better with it. It certainly brings global terrorism down to a personal level.
Skyfall is definitely the best of the (new) Bonds. Long may it continue in this style.
(I still miss John Cleese though)
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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