Sunday, 27 September 2020

Robocop (2014 remake) - Warning: this film does NOT contain scenes of graphic violence

Yes, they’ve gone and remade another classic.  Whether you loved or hated the original Robocop movie in the eighties (and, let’s face it... most of us loved it!), you’ll find it difficult to deny that it was popular.  And one of its major traits was how deliciously over-the-top violent it was.  It contained numerous scenes of graphic violence and interlinked them with (no so subtle) social commentary, making it a sheer delight to watch (assuming your cup of tea was watching an indestructible cyborg brutally wiping out scores of scum-bags).

Now, twenty-five years later, it gets rebooted (not including the pretty poor showings which made up Robocop’s sequels and TV spin-off show).  And, the first thing you need to know, is that it’s no longer an ‘adult’ movie.  Due to the film-makers wanting to claw back as much of its budget as they could, they’ve gone and made it a PG-13/12 certificate.  So, what we’re left with is the cyborg-action equivalent of World War Z (a mainstream big budget zombie film with no violence or gore).

This is the major ‘flaw’ in the film (which most people seem to dwell on).  It’s fair to say that this reboot hasn’t performed as well as the producers would have liked it to (I’ll bet they were hoping this would be the springboard to launch a lucrative franchise off of).  However, if you get over the die-hard fans and their shouts of disapproval because no one gets melted in a vat of toxic waste, you may actually enjoy it.

Yes, the action is greatly reduced, but what’s there is still pretty cool.  Plus the cast is excellent and what it lacks in fight scenes it makes up for in commentary on today’s modern way of life and how much computers (and in this case robots) intrude and may well intrude with our day to day existence.

If you ask me which Robocop is better (1987 vs 2014) I would say the original, but simply because it was just that – the original.  Plus I have never ending nostalgia for one of my favourite childhood movies.  However, if you can put any bias you have to the back of your mind and look at this one as a completely fresh tale which simply borrows major plot points and situations from its source material, then you may just find an enjoyable movie in there somewhere.

Thank you for your cooperation.

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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