Sunday, 13 September 2020

Dead Snow - Nazis, zombies, blood, chainsaws - seriously, what more do you need?

Well, no subtitles maybe - but that's a personal preference.

Anyway, Dead Snow is a Norwegian zombie film where seven friends head into the mountains for a weekend of... oh, it doesn't matter why, only that they encounter some pretty nasty zombies - and Nazi zombies to boot (so I guess that makes them doubly nasty?).

The one thing you should know about Dead Snow is that it doesn't take itself too seriously. Think of it as more of a horror comedy than anything that will really scare you. It's very open about paying homage to other horror films (one character even wears a Braindead T-shirt). So, the blood flows, the body parts fly, the pretty girls scream in terror - what more do you want?

Oh, and as I mentioned, there are subtitles. If that's a turn off for you, you better know before you watch. However, the song near the end of the film during one of the most crazy and amusing slaughters ever captured on film if definitely better sung in the film's native tongue than English.

If you like daft. If you like zombies. And if you like blood, then you should definitely get an hour and a half's enjoyment out of this.

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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