Saturday, 5 September 2020

 Dead Silence - A crying, walking, sleeping/talking living doll

`Dead Silence' is one of those horror films that probably gets lumped in with every other million horror film currently cluttering up DVD bargain bins in petrol stations. However, unlike so many of its contemporaries, this one's actually worth a look.

It's about a happily married, city-dwelling young couple, who take delivery of your average creepy horror movie-type doll. Seeing as neither had ordered a creepy horror movie doll from Amazon, they put it to one side and order a takeaway instead. However, you should never leave a creepy horror movie-type doll alone too long, or it kills you - in this case, the wife.

Now, the husband has to return to his hometown to unravel the mystery as to why someone is sending him killer creepy horror movie-type dolls.

Yes, it's not very original. You'll find a fair few horror movie clichés along the way, but the dolls are nicely eerie.  This makes up for the kind of forgettable protagonist who we follow round as he tries to untangle who's behind it all (I hear he's from TV's 'True Blood' and is very good in it.  However, as I've never watched it, I can't comment - he's just a bit bland here for my taste!).  Anyway, he's helped (or rather hindered - sometimes the two methods get kind of intertwined) by a detective who won't believe in anything supernatural and whose only character trait is to constantly shave his face with an electric razor that apparently never runs out of batteries!).

Granted, 'Dead Silence' is no modern day classic (such as 'The Ring, Saw,' or 'The Grudge'), but, if you like your horror films, there should be enough here to keep you entertained and elevate `Dead Silence' over so many other similar films (plus the ending is so good it never fails to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end!).

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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