`Thank You For Smoking' couldn't be an easy film to sell. It basically tells a lot of people (possibly smokers!) what they don't want to hear, while, at the same time, making that smug smile that only NON-smokers wear, just that little bit more hard to take. Aaron Eckhart plays a man whose whole career is to lie to the public about how 'good' cigarettes are for you. He spins his lies in the media, on TV and everywhere that will aid selling those slim white roll-ups of ill-health. Naturally, the public hates him. But, more importantly, he doesn't care. He's only in it for the thrill of persuading people. And the money. He likes the money, too.

It features a great ensemble cast and none one of which lets the side down. It's hard to pick a favourite among so many. You just have to put them all together and let them get on with it (maybe Row Lowe steals every scene? He's so straight faced when he comes out with some of the most ridiculously outrageous lines). William H Macy is Aaron Eckhart's 'opposite number.' He plays a Senator whose 'mission' in life is to rid the world of smoking. You'd think that he would therefore be 'the good guy' in all this and yet the film goes to great lengths to show how some people's good intentions can sometimes be more motivated by 'public votes' than truly fine motives.
If you're in the mood for something a little bit more satirical, then give this a go - living proof that Americans DO understand satire just as much as us Brits. It's not a long film and, although once you see the way the story is heading, it never really tries to surprise the audience, it does pay everything off perfectly and it will leave you feeling more satisfied that taking a drag on your first 'cancer stick' of the day!
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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