Being a guy, I'm pretty sure that this movie isn't really meant for me. No matter how the film-makers dress it up, it's your basic 'rom com.' However, just because nothing about it is original, doesn't mean that it's not at least 'watchable' (and 'watchable' is about the highest praise I can ever give a romantic comedy, based on the fact that most of my DVD collection involves car chases and alien armies being thwarted by superheros in an epic New York battle).

In case you're the one person who doesn't actually know the plot of this film, Richard Gere plays a high-powered businessman in Los Angeles who befriends a down-on-her-luck 'working girl' (Julia Roberts). At first he pays her for her company during business events. Soon there's a flicker between them that something more may happen.
So, you'd probably have to have never watched a romantic comedy film before not to be able to know what happens next. But it's not a film that's supposed to 'subvert your expectations' or with a 'twist' at the end. Everything flows from A to B nicely and along the way there are many memorable funny moments that you may since have seen lampooned in various popular culture outlets.
I know women tend to like this film more, but I have to say that - if you're like me, i.e. a guy who isn't really into the genre - and you find yourself having to watch only ONE romantic comedy, this could be the one for you. It certainly goes quickly and the two leads are just so charming that you can't help but root for them. Also, special mention to Hector Elizondo who adds just that extra little bit of heart and charm to an already heart-filled and charming film.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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