Saturday, 16 November 2019

Scary Movie - Neve Campbell sums it up best (and she's not even in the movie)

In case you don't know, Scary Movie is (primarily) a parody of the first `Scream' film (although there are plenty of other horror movies made fun of). It was in Scream 4 when Neve Campbell declared, "Don't **** with the original."

Since Scary Movie has been made, not only has it spawned several sequels, but a whole range of other parody movies from the same studio. There may be a few chuckles to be had from its successors, but none can compare to the first.

Scary Movie is a very rare example of a parody movie that's actually funny. Yes, you may have to have watched (or at least be very familiar) with Scream to fully appreciate it, but I'm guessing that if you're thinking of watching a parody of a horror movie then you've probably seen the original horror movie first.

The jokes come thick and fast, but they are pretty `low brow' and most involve pratfalls or `gross-out' gags, so you have to have your humour appreciation meter set to `gutter.'
So, if you've seen Scream and feel like watching basically the same movie again (as Scary Movie does tend to follow the original source material scarily closely), but with more - dirty - jokes, then give this one a go. It's by far the best of the series (although I found part 3 quite amusing, too).

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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