Saturday, 13 July 2019

Wanted (2008) - One of those movies that is very underrated

Maybe ‘Wanted’ wasn’t as successful as – I thought – it should be when it was released back in 2008 because these sorts of (semi) superhero movies were only just coming into fashion?  Maybe it’s because it was based on a comic book that wasn’t that well-known and the film’s producers annoyed the die-hard fan by changing various elements?  Or maybe it’s because it’s got a pretty ‘uninspired’ title which doesn’t really tell you what the film is about?  It could just be someone posting something on Craig’s List!  Either way... I loved it then and I’m pleased to say that it stands up to this day.

It’s about a young man Wesley (James McAvoy, before he really hit the big time in Hollywood) playing a young man who doesn’t know his place in life.  He medicates himself daily while working in a dead end job (don’t we all?) and is routinely victimised by his boss while his girlfriend is having an affair with his best mate.  However, his life takes a slightly more wild turn when a femme fatale known as Fox (Angelia Jolie) inducts him into a super secret society of assassins known as ‘The Fraternity’ led by Sloan (Morgan Freeman) and together they’ll... well, you’ll have to see, but there’s naturally various bad guys to kill and noble causes to fight.

I suppose the plot isn’t that radical to attract much attention, however, it has all the look and feel of a good comic book you could ever want.  Now, I call that a plus, whereas I think a lot of people saw it as a drawback.  Largely, because these assassins are pretty damn amazing – their main ‘special ability’ being the knack of ‘bending bullets’ so they can bend the missiles around corners.  Yes, it’s a little far-fetched, but this is a comic book movie and if you can get over this then I think you’ll have a really good time.

If you’re expecting something uber serious and gritty then look away now.  There are more than a few times where the film does things simply for laughs and to not just bend bullets, but also the movie’s reality.  It never really takes itself that seriously and so is a lot more fun and popcorn-worthy than some type of ‘darker’ modern action movie like Daniel Craig’s ‘Bond’ franchise or the ‘Bourne’ movies

Yes, there’s nothing that new here, but the fact that it’s a great action movie with A-list stars and set pieces that make the most of the unique ‘fighting premise’ that exists in this movie world should be enough to give it at least a ‘cult following’ and stop it fading into complete obscurity.

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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