Jackass 3D (2010) - What are you expecting?
I find it hard to imaging that there are many people who stumble across a film called 'Jackass 3D,' not knowing what 'Jackass' is all about. Then they put the film on, watch it to the end and thus hate every moment of it and are disgusted by what they just watched.
However, in case you're thinking that 'Jackass' is merely a mildly offensive term for someone who is a 'little bit silly,' then you really need to swat up on your pop culture. I believe it started out on a cable channel as one of those ridiculously over-the-top late night shows that gains a cult following for all the wrong reasons. Basically, the premise is a bunch of men hurt each other. No, this is not 'scripted' in the traditional sense. It's literally a bunch of guys coming up with weird and imaginative ways to hurt and humiliate each other (and sometimes unsuspecting members of the public or their family).
If you're therefore thinking of something vaguely clever or surreal (ala 'Triggerhappy TV') then you're wildly off course. There is nothing clever about 'Jackass' and there never will be. It's pure 'shock TV' and, if that's your thing, then you'll have a blast with this film.
Naturally, there's no story. It's just one wacky clip after the next of guys doing painful and disgusting 'stunts' (or 'pranks,' depending on who you ask). Again, if you like that sort of thing then you'll enjoy the film.
If you're in two minds about whether to watch this (or any of the 'Jackass' films or TV) then I'm sure you can find many a clip on the internet. Watch it then decide if it's for you. Trust me... it'll save you an hour and a half of watching grown men pull each other's teeth out with sports cars and sitting in a port-a-loo (full of human 'you-know-what') and then getting jettisoned high into the air, making the *ahem* 'brown stuff' go all over the man entombed within. Yes, that actually happens.
This sequel in the 'Jackass' franchise is 3D. I didn't watch it in the cinema using glasses, only at home on the telly, so I can't really tell how much the 3D adds to the effect. Either way, it's pretty disgusting. But, at the end of the day, I'm almost ashamed to admit that I enjoyed this film (and the previous two). No, I don't watch them often, but, if I'm in the mood for something so low brow that I can almost feel the IQ points diminishing as the runtime progresses, then this is it.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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