I watched 'Game Over, Man' and I really enjoyed it. No, it certainly wasn't perfect and I'll get on to what I felt let it down. However, it wasn't until I looked it up online in order to review it did I realise just how much hate it was getting, some even going as far as to say that it was the 'worst movie of 2018.' It wasn't.

If I had to sum it up, I'd probably say it's like a comedy version of 'Die Hard,' where the heroes are trapped in a confined environment and have to pick off the henchmen one by one before finally going for the head honcho. It's hardly 'high-brow' and there were times, especially at the beginning of the movie, where one of the three central characters got on my nerves as he was too annoying to be believable. The writers did seem to tone down this character as the film went on (or did I just get desensitized to him?) and give him more in the way of laughs than annoying yapping, but what really won me over was the way the writers of the film 'subverted the expectations and conventions of the genre.'
For some reason I kept thinking of 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' - a film which certainly divided its fan-base because its creators freely admitted that they wanted to 'subvert' fans' expectations of what they'd get from a 'Star Wars' film. Whereas I'm in the camp that wished 'The Last Jedi' would have just stuck to normal 'Star Wars' tropes and whatever 'subverting' didn't work there, here, in 'Game Over, Man' the way they deliberately do things that you definitely won't expect to turn up in an 'action/hostage-rescue' film really made it stand out among other films of the genre (and generally comedies in general).
It's a pretty over-the-top affair and be prepared to suspend your disbelief to truly enjoy it, but if you're a fan of action films and the cliches they normally employ, I think that would stand you in good stead to get a little more out of this film than everyone else. It's no masterpiece, but it's definitely good fun and certainly not the worst film of the year.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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