The original/first 'Cube' film was an instant cult hit, proving that you don't need major stars or special effects to create an interesting and intriguing little horror film. The premise alone was enough for it to stand out, i.e. six strangers wake up in a mysterious cube-based prison, filled with lethal traps (and they have to find their way out, obviously). The second installment retrod old ground and I enjoyed it, even if it wasn't that different.

I'm guessing the film-makers felt that they couldn't just repeat the formula for a third time without majorly alienating audiences. Therefore, they did their best to keep what we enjoyed about the films, while at the same time expanding on it. Whereas before we never saw what went out outside the cube, or any clues as to its existence and the world around it, now we see who runs it and get a good idea as to why. As before, a handful of strangers find themselves trapped inside the cube, however the majority of the story is based around the two men 'on watch' duty who are tasked with keeping an eye on what's going on inside the deadly experimental 'prison.'
I didn't mind this film. It's the definition of 'okay.' However, the first of my two gripes involves the fact that now we know what's going on outside the cube, it kind of ruins the magic of it all. The first two films left it up to the viewer as to the motives surrounding building such a - seemingly pointless - structure. Now we know a bit too much.
The second thing which I felt didn't work was the introduction of a weird (dare I say 'comical') 'man in black-type' character midway through the film. Everything in the 'Cube' franchise up until this middle part had been played completely straight. The story was dark, intense, claustrophobic and - above all - serious. Suddenly, this 'spook' enters the story and behaves like something out of a totally different film - one where the horror is totally spoofed. Not only does he look like Rik Mayall, but he has a - supposedly - artificial eye. This facial abnormality is supposed (I'm guessing) to make it look like he's 'part cyborg' (or something), however it's wonky and just adds to his completely over-the-top and kooky performance.
If you liked the first two films then you'll probably get something out of this one. Like I say, it has some interesting moments, but will never compare to the original and, in my opinion, is even less than the second installment. Hopefully, the franchise will end here without being sunk any further.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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