Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Vantage Point - A thriller that ticks all the boxes

‘Vantage Point’ is basically a thriller about a terrorist bombing/plot to kill the President of America while he’s on an overseas trip. And, as you may probably be thinking, there’s not much original about that plot. However, the film’s major ‘selling point’ is that the story is told several times, through the use of different spectators/participants’ perspectives (in fact ‘Perspective’ might have been a more appropriate title!).

Therefore, the film-makers can claim it’s an original concept applied to a not particularly original idea. And it works... just.

For a thriller it ticks all the boxes you want. It has stars (many in fact) who all turn in an acceptable performance (and give them extra credit when none of them are in it ALL the way through, therefore hardly giving them a chance to ‘flesh out’ their character). It’s not that long and there are a good few shoot-outs/explosions/car chases.

And that’s it really. It could be described as ‘run of the mill’ if it wasn’t for it’s different approach to the norm, plus it has just about enough A-list stars in it to raise it above a B-movie. But, at the end of the day, that’s basically what it is – a glorified B-movie. But that’s no bad thing, as it’s highly watchable and should keep you entertained if you like thrillers for just under an hour and a half.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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