‘The Nice Guys’ has always appealed to me, simply by its front cover. I know you should never judge a book (or film!) on such superficial factors, but it just looked so damn cool. And, I’m pleased to say that it is. Maybe simply setting what it – technically – your pretty standard ‘who-dunnit’ crime caper in the seventies it hardly that new, but it just seems to work. It’s about an ‘enforcer’ (Russell Crowe) and a private detective (Ryan Gosling) who have to team up in order to solve a crime. So, it’s effectively your average mismatched ‘buddy cop’ movie, even though neither of the leads are police.

I won’t go into the plot too much, as with most ‘who-dunnits’ if you give away what and why they’re investigating you run the risk of spoiling what’s in store. I guess ‘The Nice Guys’ won’t be for everyone. It’s not just the humour that’s dark. I mentioned that people get hurt and there some fights and actions scenes that are up there with the best of serious cop dramas and action movies. It’s one of those films that splits genres. It’s never only a comedy, action film or drama, yet it definitely displays elements of all of them. It’s also too violent and adult in nature to be watched by younger audiences, so it’s strictly for adults who enjoy their murder mysteries dark when a healthy dose of black humour.
It’s a great piece for both Crowe and Gosling who look like they’re really enjoying themselves. And it shows. As I said, ‘The Nice Guys’ probably isn’t for everyone, but hopefully it will at least gain a cult following that it deserves.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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