Have you seen the film `Bridesmaids?' It's pretty much the question you have to ask yourself when you're considering watching the `Bachelorette.' It's effectively a poor clone/remake/whatever.

Unfortunately, it's not hilarious. It's not even funny. I checked the time on the DVD at about 40 minutes in and I still hadn't laughed. And that's not a good sign for a comedy. If you check out the general reviews, you'll see that most people describe it as a `horrible' film. I wouldn't call it horrible, just not funny.
The characters are pretty unlikeable and every mess they get into is largely their fault. You won't really care about any of them and, despite being good actresses (Kristen Dunst and Isla Fisher) they can't bring any real humour to this film.
If you like the idea of a film that's basically `a female The Hangover' stick to Bridesmaids. That had charm and humour. This has neither.
3/10 Jabba the Hutt wipes himself down with this film
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