Who’d have thought that Indonisia would raise the bar when it came to action movies? ‘The Raid’ is hardly the most complicated film to review, but, if you’re into your gunplay and marshal-arts then you can’t go far wrong here. Oh, and you’ll need to be okay with subtitles.

If you’re wondering what makes this so much better than all the other action movies out there – it’s the ‘look’ (well, for starters anyway). It has a very professional and gritty feel to it. The director (who, to my shame, I’ve never heard of) has obviously spent a lot of time framing each shot to give it quite a nice – almost ‘arty’ – feel. Then there are the fight scenes – they’re meticulously choreographed and, despite being technically as unrealistic as the next marshal arts film, they are really good fun to watch.
The actors are basically cast according to their looks. Bad people are ugly and good people have nice hair. However, at least everyone plays their part well and, even though all the talking is subtitled, it seems that everyone can actually act as well as is required for beating people to a pulp.
There are a few twists and turns in the plot – some you may see coming, others are less obvious. But I won’t go into them too much. All you need to know is that, if you’re okay with subtitles and love marshal arts or action films, then you’ll enjoy The Raid (and its sequel, if you’re curious about that!).
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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