“Mad Max?’ who’s he?” cry the younger generation. Well, I guess he’s Tom Hardy these days. However, to anyone born back in the seventies and eighties, he the titular character was synonymous with a different actor who has since majorly fallen from grace. So, in short – it’s a remake. But, in that most rarest of remake traditions, it seems that the general consensus is that it’s actually pretty good! Now, I was never that into the original films (I can’t even remember whether there’s two or three of them!) so perhaps I’m more forgiving and not exactly a ‘Mad Max’ purist, however, perhaps one of the reasons this new version is so well received is that it’s written and directed by the original’s director, George Miller.

I guess if you were to sum up the film and try to pigeonhole it into a genre, you could say it’s an ‘action’ movie, but I think the sub-genre of a ‘chase’ movie is more in order. It never really stands still for long and the film is ultimately one long chase across a desert, only stopping occasionally to gather a breath or two before everyone’s off blowing moving vehicles up again. And, if that’s your thing, then you’re in for a real treat. Part of the enjoyment of this (very simple) film is that many of the special effects are real life stunts, as opposed to CGI or blue-screen work (yes, I think there may have been a little bit of the afore-mentioned effects, but it’s pretty minimal) so you really get a feel of the danger the actors (or probably stunt people!) are going through.
Not only are the explosions all convincing, but the make-up is also really cool. And, by ‘cool’ I mean absolutely revolting! Although, it seems that in this dystopian future, only bad people are hideously mutated individuals and anyone who needs saving looks like a supermodel from a Victoria’s Secret catalogue. Although, to be fair, it seems that once a woman stops looking like Cindy Crawford with slightly less make-up, if they still wish to stay on the good guys’ side, they automatically become a hard-as-nails old crone who’s got a heart of gold and a forehead that time forgot. Anyway, that’s just me being picky, this film is fast-paced fun. If you like numerous explosions, car chases and general mayhem then go on a road trip with these people and you’ll see how bad car travel can be – I promise you after seeing what these people have to endure you’ll never moan again when all you have to do is drive a car with your kids in the back while they constantly ask, “Are we there yet?”
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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