Prophecy (1979) - What did I just watch?
When the credits rolled at the end of 'Prophecy' I literally had to think to myself what exactly I'd just watched. I know I've sat through numerous horror films over the years, but even the worst stayed in my head while I was reading who was in it. And, weirdly, 'Prophecy' wasn't that bad.
Trying my best to recall what I'd just witnessed, it's about a doctor and his wife who head out into the wilderness to - er - help something (or someone - like I say, details are already sketchy). There, they come up against angry Native Americans, shady businessmen and - of course - monsters.
Yeah, so that's about all I can remember. It's certainly not the worst horror film I've ever seen and the monster effects are passable. They're practically (naturally, for the era/budget) and if you feel the need to see another rubbery creature then you'll find a few here - although they mainly come at the end.
Yes, the end. It was the best part - I'm not just saying that to be deliberately harsh, but at least the final act moved a bit quicker than the rest. As I say, this isn't the worst horror film I've ever see and I believe - from what I've read online - it does have a reasonable 'cult following.' I guess it just didn't gel with me like other similar offerings.
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