Cruel Jaws (1995) - Just watch Jaws
Um, yeah, where to begin with this one - okay, simply... just watch 'Jaws.' Many films rip off movies that are far better than them, but at least they try and make a few little tweaks that attempt to stand apart from their originals. Not here. Not really.
There's a shake. It's terrorizing a beach. One human believes this and tries to get the local authorities to do the right thing and close the water area to prevent more deaths. Oh, I guess there is one different - 'Jaws' was a great white shark. Here we have a tiger shark. That's about it.
If it was just a blatant, pointless rip-off that would be one thing. Sadly, it's also a stupid, blatant, pointless rip-off as well. The shark appears completely bulletproof. I lost count of the amount of times humans try and shoot at it at point blank range, only for it not to take an ounce of damage. I guess the humans could just be so stupid they miss? That could certainly explain it. But then if someone is so stupid that they can't hit a massive shark when up close then they deserve to end up down it's throat.
As I say... just watch 'Jaws' if you're looking for a monster movie with a shark in it. And, is it just me, or does the first few bars of the 'Star Wars' theme keep popping up here and there?
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