Walden (2023) - Nice little film
Just watched this one on a streaming service and, I don't know whether it's the general quality of the films on that particular service, but this one seemed a cut above the rest. I'm not sure about this movie's production history, i.e. whether it ever got a theatrical release, or was just one more piece of content destined to go straight to DVD (or 'steaming service' these days). But, either way, it does actually feel like it has a decent budget which can afford good actors and a tight script that does make it stand out.
It's about an unassuming court scribe who everyone overlooks and therefore would never expect that he has a tendency to 'do away with' any criminals who don't get what they deserve in the courtroom.
I won't go into any more detail regarding the rest of the plot as I don't want to spoil it, as this one is actually worth watching if you find it online. No, it's probably not worth paying the full price of a cinema admission, but definitely better than the sludge that you find clogging up most streaming services.
There are a few times where you have to suspend your disbelief in order to let the film continue (in real life I'm guessing the story would end much earlier!), but it's still enjoyable enough to watch.