Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) - If I was younger...
I never watched this back in the nineties, but I was aware of it. I had, however, seen similar films which were basically parodies of popular movies or genres of the time, such as 'Hotshots, The Naked Gun' and 'Loaded Weapon.' I enjoyed them all back in the day, but it's taken me until 2024 to get round to this one.
Weirdly, I may have been the only fourteen year old to not really be that into 1991's 'Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves,' but I remember how popular it was at the time and it's still regarded as a classic to this day. Therefore, film-maker Mel Brooks decides to make a parody of it with his 'Men in Tights' offering. The story basically follows the classic version of the tale of Robin Hood that we all know.
Brooks also made 'Spaceballs' which is effectively poking fun at 'Star Wars' and I recall I enjoyed that, so I do like his humour. But my 2024 brain just didn't find many laughs in 'Men in Tights.' It's odd, as I reckon that if I was still in my mid teens I probably would have liked this much more and, if I watched it today, it would no doubt bring back nostalgic memories which would make me rate it higher.
Sadly, I just didn't find it that funny. Yes, I chuckled a few times, but many of the jokes got samey quite quickly and others were actually the same ones used in 'Spaceballs,' only repurposed for a medieval setting instead of sci-fi. Overall, it's okay. I found it the kind of film you'd have on in the background and dip in and out of.
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