Monday, 1 May 2023

Inseminoid - Be kind

Yes, it's another one of those horror films where the studio saw 'Alien' and what it did with not that much of a budget and thought 'Hey, we can squeeze a few dollars out of that idea, too!' Does it work?  Short answer: yes.  Longer answer: only if you know what you're in for and are very forgiving when it comes to low budget, badly-acted, cheesy, eighties horror rip-offs.

There's a space crew.  They're on a planet (which may or may not have been names - I forget and it doesn't matter anyway!).  One of them gets mysteriously impregnated by an alien who was most likely kicked off the set of 'Dr Who' at the time) and she goes nuts killing the rest of them.

Firstly... the good.  The lighting.  Um, that's about it.  I read online that it was filmed inside real caves and the production team have done real wonders with the lighting effect, giving the movie a greater sense of 'realism' than most modern blockbusters with their perfectly-rendered CGI set pieces.

Then the bad.  You have the acting, the script, the (not that special) special effects and the general lack of logic and realistic thinking displayed by the characters (seriously, the crew of the 'Red Dwarf' make more sensible decisions and would have a greater chance of survival than this lot).

However, despite all this film's (many!) flaws, I couldn't bring myself to totally hate it.  I found it entertaining and, although it may not be the first film I'd choose to watch again in a hurry, I didn't feel like I'd wasted an hour and a half of my life when all was said and done.  As I mentioned, if you're forgiving of such B-movies then there's fun to be had here.

6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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