Monday, 22 May 2023

Cat People (1982) - Insert 'cat pun' here

I really wanted to use the cat pun 'purrfect' in the title of this review.  The problem was that the film wasn't perfect.  It wasn't bad, but still a long way from perfection.  It's about a brother and sister (Malcolm McDowell and Nastassja Kinskis) who have recently been reunited in New Orleans, but, when the finally get to know each other, they discover there's more to their heritage than they first thought.

I guess 'Cat People' is a horror film, but I've seen it referred to as an 'erotic thriller.' Erotic, maybe - due to a lot of - ahem - 'adult' scenes, but definitely more a horror in nature than a thriller (there are even some pretty decent practical 'transformation' effects that still hold up to this day).

I normally would say I won't go into too many more details for fear of spoiling the film, but seeing as it's literally called 'Cat People' most people should kind of know what they're getting themselves in for when we talk of horror movies about cat people with transformation effects.

These two aren't just your normally tabby, content with a bowl of milk and a ball of yarn to play with.  They prefer to hunt 'bigger prey.'

It's a nice concept that works well in terms of horror, plus it's helped along by a very strong cast (although Malcolm McDowell wasn't in it quite as much as I thought he was going to be - and as suggested by his billing).

I guess the only thing I found 'wrong' with it was that it went on a bit too long.  I thought it was coming to the end at a reasonably respectable hour and a half mark, when it started going again and there was a whole new act to get through.

Some scenes go on way too long in some cases.  I know the film's fans will say this adds to the tension and I get that to a degree, but I was far too tempted to his the fast forward button on my remote in certain long, drawn out parts.

I didn't think I wasted my time watching the film and the David Bowie remix that plays the movie out is almost worth sitting through the whole story for.

6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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