There's probably not much to say about The Dark Knight Rises that hasn't already been said. You can't really walk into the cinema and wonder what you'll get from a film about a man who dresses up like a bat and fights crime at night.

All the surviving cast members from the previous films return to tie up their character arcs and, perhaps the best thing about the film, is that it feels like a `real' sequel - not one that's been made by someone else and has a totally different feel about it all. The cast is as impressive as before and Tom Hardy puts in an excellent performance (I think he deserves credit for stepping into the shoes of `main baddie' that Heath Ledger wore so well and tragically last time).
The only drawback I felt was that there are so many good characters played by big names, that it was hard to give them all enough screen time and - believe it or not - there are long periods where the title character himself doesn't feature.
It's a great ride, but one that's definitely different to Marvel's current superhero crop. Everything from The Hulk, Thor, Iron Man and Avengers is big, loud and very `comic-book.' Batman is none of this. It, like its predecessors are more like crime dramas with a much darker feel to it and more realistic (well, slightly) action.
Basically, if you liked the first two, you'll probably see this as a fitting conclusion to the trilogy. You don't have to have watched the first two to understand everything that goes on here, but it will probably help. So, my advice would be to start at the beginning of Nolan's trilogy and work your way from there.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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